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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Another Major Blow..A Chronic Illness Update


2 Specialist appointments and 1 traumatizing result. My Meniere's disease is progressing and my hearing is worse than the same time last year. The unfortunate part, is that the symptoms are also much worse. Thus, the specialist is advising surgery to alleviate some of the symptoms. 

Labrithectomy (what a glorious mouthful that translates to me being completely deaf in the operated on ear). They basically remove the part of the ear that causes the Vertigo, Dizziness, Nausea but leaves you deaf. 

There is also a procedure where they put a shunt (tiny silicone tube for emptying fluid) into the ear which is supposed to help prevent the excess build up of fluid. 

My Specialist is recommending the prior not the latter. He indicated that I`m at the max for medicinal treatment and that surgery may be the only solution.  I, however, have a HUGE issue with being `forcefully`deafened as opposed to the `progressive` path I`m currently on. Needless to say, the news was devastating to hear and led to a lot of tears all the way back to Pitt Meadows from Richmond. 

I`m not entirely sure how many people I hurt in my past life but apparently it was too many. I really didn`t think I deserved all this shit.

The journey continues yet again.

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