Today is my favorite holiday in the whole year. Yes, I'm obsessed about Halloween but Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday by far.
It's the one day out of the year that family means everything. Not everyone celebrates Christmas but everyone celebrates Thanksgiving. It's not by fluke that today is the busiest travel day in the United States. Students, far away relatives all flock to the main homestead to spend the day/weekend watching t.v., devouring more food than you can shake a stick at, arguing over who is gonna kiss that weird Aunt first.
While my homestead in 3300 miles away, my homestead here is embracing the tradition of American Thanksgiving as well. Since I can't make it home, I do what I can here to make it as festive as I can.
My day is almost ritualistic after so many years. Macy's annual parade, the dog show, Miracle on 34th St (only the black and white version for me today) and food. OK, so there is football in there too (shh this is a hockey house) I love the aroma of the fresh baked pumpkin pies merging with the sweet smell of savory sage and apple stuffed turkey. It is how I know that the holiday season has officially started and it's time to get my ass in gear and start to Christmas shop, decorate, bake and generally be nicer. (who am I kidding, I'm not 'Mary Poppins')
Thanksgiving has always been about celebrating the end of harvesting and cherishing things that are important to you. If you consider that as the motive, why wouldn't you celebrate it twice?
Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving in October, but I'm here to tell my fellow Canucks that there is nothing wrong with celebrating Thanksgiving twice. Twice as much love, happiness and turkey. What more could you want?
I know: The great deals that start tomorrow!!!! Black Friday, the #1 highest grossing sales day of the year. Tomorrow is how most merchants will gauge what their year end will be like. It can be a make or break day for some retailers.
I say, eat turkey, shop, enjoy your family and remember that the feelings that the holidays bring should stay year round.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and a very safe, blessed holiday season!