February 11, 2012
"Taboo, the Naughty but Nice Show" has been cancelled this year in Abbotsford due to complaints and protests by a handful of small closed minded people. Led by a handful of Right Wing Fundamentalists, they have become a a complete wrecking ball with just a quick swipe of a pen.
In an era, where sexual liberality is the norm (YES, it is the norm) and in a time where the importance of a sex positive culture prevents needless deaths. The Naughty by Nice Show has had a history of shows across Canada and had their show in Vancouver this past January.
Realizing that Abbotsford is in the heart of the 'Canadian Bible Belt' here in BC, it stands to reason that there would be voices of discontent and concern over the open display of sexuality.
My problem is the ass backwards thinking behind the protesting. With the economy in Canada as slow moving as it is. The economic gains to the city alone should outweigh the cons of the protesters. The city of Abbotsford will lose a great deal of extra revenue from not hosting the three day show. Hotels will be emptier, restaurants slower and several vendors who make a large portion of their income from doing these types of shows.
I'm all for protesting and standing up for what you believe in, but geez people it's the 21st century! This is not the dark ages. Men and women are subjected to sexuality in daily life (just from watching television alone). The show is geared to adults so no MINORS are allowed in anyways. Where is the problem.
If you don't want to see the show don't go. Isn't that the better solution. Humans have this incredible gift called free will and a mind to think with. That should be all that is necessary to facilitate a decision whether to attend an event such as this. There are no displays outside of the facility and there is always security making sure underage kids don't make it inside.
It's time that some heads were pulled out the proverbial ASS and wake up and smell the evolution of man.
This is obviously a rant and I'm definitely on the side of the show. If it wasn't for shows like this, some people would never learn that being proud of your sexuality is not a bad thing. These shows teach tolerance for different sexual orientations, preferences and educates thousands on the merits of 'safe sex'. (Yes, we can have safe sex now it's a new thing they call a CONDOM) You know the things Right Wing Fundamentalists DON'T want to hand out.
Final thoughts....Grow up Abbotsford. We all have to some time. Now is yours.
Thanks to a letter, email and phone call
campaign to the Organizers, Convention Center and City Council. The Taboo -
Naughty but Nice Show was re-instated and was held on May 11, 12, 13.
There were a handful of protesters in front
of the Trade-ex attempting to block entry and show their discontent for
visitors. In the end, the show went off brilliantly. Albeit, a terrible weekend
to host the show as it was 'Mother's Day' weekend.
Change is possible when we bind together as
a community and show our integrity, perseverance and dedication to positive sex