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Saturday, February 04, 2012

Are You Earthquake Prepared?

February 4, 2012

A 5.7 earthquake off the British Columbia coast of Port Hardy hit this afternoon around 12:05. A fairly shallow depth of just 12.8 km and mercifully no real damage, injuries or death to speak of. Whew! squeaked by again.

It occurred to me after reading the news report 'Thank You News 1130 radio', that I still have no clue what to do in the event of an earthquake. We have no emergency plan made. No emergency kit, no nothing. How is this possible living where we do? Simple, we just don't think about it.

We are a society of 'It won't happen here' mentality. Even though, we live along the 'Ring of Fire' (Pacific Rim area that is frequented by volcanic action as well as earthquakes).  Sure, we have lots of 'staples' in the house that could get us through a power outage. *crossing fingers hoping the BBQ has gas* 

The Red Cross as well as your local community have information regarding earthquake preparedness and every year there is a week dedicated to emergency preparedness plans. *check your local community for more information*

As I continue to stare out my front door at the mountains and gazing at the magnificent view of Mt Baker (active volcano), I'm reminded that I live in a Geo-active area and that it simply doesn't make logical sense not to know what to do.  Yes, I've heard to get into a doorway or get under something like a desk, but realistically I would be an hysterical woman with no flipping clue what to do.

1 comment:

  1. I trust by now you have at least a basic kit in the works or already finished.


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