Starring Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson and Joey King
Directed by James Wan

Grab your 'blankie', pillow and favourite 'squeeze' for this horror flick. The Conjuring based on a true story, takes place in Harrisville Rhode Island. A quiet sleepy town in rural Rhode Island. The Perron family lead by Carolyn and Roger Perron (Lili Taylor and Ron Livingston) moves from the bustling city life of New Jersey to the country in hopes of finding happiness, tranquility and growing room for the family of seven.
The house starts to reveal its true evil heritage with the death of the family pet. Carolyn Perron (Lily Taylor) is quickly spotted as a conduit for the great beyond to take hold on earth.
Joey King continues to show her incredible talent and budding stardom playing the tormented daughter Christine. King, who also stars in White House Down (also in theatres currently) is quickly making her way up the success ladder.
Solid performances by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga who play legendary supernatural investigators - Ed and Lorraine Warren. With stock footage, on screen commentary and outstanding special effects, this is one horror movie not to miss.
Director James Wan is right on the money with this fact based terror. He delivers what can easily be considered one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Rated R for the violence and there is a great deal of it. A total scare fest time of 112 minutes. Make sure you clip your nails otherwise your significant other`s lap will be bloody from the constant clutching.
Jumps, bumps and screams make this movie an absolute must see on this summer`s movie list. Of course adding this to your home library once released on Blu-Ray/DVD is a given.
Starring Lili Taylor, Ron Livingston, Vera Farmiga, Patrick Wilson and Joey King
Directed by James Wan
Grab your 'blankie', pillow and favourite 'squeeze' for this horror flick. The Conjuring based on a true story, takes place in Harrisville Rhode Island. A quiet sleepy town in rural Rhode Island. The Perron family lead by Carolyn and Roger Perron (Lili Taylor and Ron Livingston) moves from the bustling city life of New Jersey to the country in hopes of finding happiness, tranquility and growing room for the family of seven.
The house starts to reveal its true evil heritage with the death of the family pet. Carolyn Perron (Lily Taylor) is quickly spotted as a conduit for the great beyond to take hold on earth.
Joey King continues to show her incredible talent and budding stardom playing the tormented daughter Christine. King, who also stars in White House Down (also in theatres currently) is quickly making her way up the success ladder.
Solid performances by Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga who play legendary supernatural investigators - Ed and Lorraine Warren. With stock footage, on screen commentary and outstanding special effects, this is one horror movie not to miss.
Director James Wan is right on the money with this fact based terror. He delivers what can easily be considered one of the greatest horror films of all time.
Rated R for the violence and there is a great deal of it. A total scare fest time of 112 minutes. Make sure you clip your nails otherwise your significant other`s lap will be bloody from the constant clutching.
Jumps, bumps and screams make this movie an absolute must see on this summer`s movie list. Of course adding this to your home library once released on Blu-Ray/DVD is a given.
I agree 100%- people were literally screaming and shrieking in the theater -lol! Good times.