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Tuesday, November 01, 2011


While I totally appreciate and am thrilled that the medical world has had such marvelous breakthroughs via testing equipment. I am however, annoyed at the person who thought creating a cylinder to engulf a human into with loud noises, spins and a rigid stay in place zone thinking it would be a 'great relaxing test'. I call bullshit!!!

2 Ativans, encouragement from the husband and sheer fear led me to the Imaging room at RCH (Royal Columbian Hospital). The ear plugs stuffed into my ears like she was stuffing a turkey. The warm cozy blanket was a comfort and the towel over the eyes was meant to keep me calm. HA! Not so much! Panic + hot flash = get me out now. We had to stop the testing for a few minutes in order for me to contend with the panic attack/hot flash. She was totally understanding, removed the hot blanket and then shoved me back into the 'easy bake oven', until I was sufficiently filled Gamma Radiation. 

Too bad, I wonder if I had stayed in longer if I would've come out a super hero. I can see it all now, a comic book, movie deal and even the spandex costume. "Rise of the RavenBran". She can scream bloody murder while jumping over tall buildings. She'll cry for days after chasing cats into tight small places. Her super power is her Super Panic Attack. The shrills alone will disarm any bandits she encounters from laughter. 

All seriousness aside, the MRI went as well as it could and now a wonderful 7-10 days worth of waiting for results. 

Insert massive panic now.

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