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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Thunderstorms...excerpt from 'Inside the Dragon's Heart'


 Storm brewing off in the distance

A roaring fire warms the candlelit room

Down filled blanket covers the floor

Half empty wine glasses rest easy

Thunder rolls louder and louder

Tears well in the fear stricken eyes

A gentle embrace to ensure security

Lips softly pressed together for reassurances

 Pillows tossed down to rest the heads

Goosebumps overwhelm the exposed flesh

The desire for snuggling close

Becomes stronger with each crack of lightening

Tears intensify as slight fear turns to terror

Curtains drawn tightly closed

Yet still the lightening intrudes

Screams echo in the house’s silence

 As a child the storms brought forth nightmares

The adult turns into the weeping child

Pleading for its ending

The thunder rolls as if angered by the pleads

With a final mighty crack of lightening

The skies open up to a torrential rain

Dousing the earth with its life-giving moisture

The thunder and lightening cease

As if commanded by the clouds

Another thunderstorm passes by

The season almost at its end

Fears subside a little more each time

One day gone for good

Till then there are always teddy bears!

Sher Boudreau..2002-08-22 ©

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