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Friday, September 09, 2011


Sept 11 2001

After watching the live footage courtesy of **CNN**, my whole life took a spiraling plunge into despair, depression, anger, paranoia and fear.

I spent many nights awake, crying and waiting to see what was coming next.

I had always been a writer and found solace and comfort in putting pen to paper. I spent six hours along a beachfront putting my thoughts on paper. As I started reviewing what I had written down, I noticed a distinct pattern. They all focussed on pain, anger, terror and how much I loved the Military. It was from that moment, that 'Written in Blood' was born.

4 years of writing, editing, travelling to Washington DC, visiting memorials, talking to Veterans and currently serving Military personnell turned into the passion of my life.

Being a cathartic release for me, I continued onward and am currently working on the follow up book 'Through the Eyes of A Veteran'.  I'm hoping to s have a working copy by year's end and start editing soon thereafter. In that time, I'm hoping to find a willing publisher to get this out in hopes of helping others out there.

Loss hits everyone, especially for Military families. This is my way of giving back.

1 comment:

  1. 9/11 has affected everyone in so many different ways. I can't believe it's been 10 years......

    It would be fantastic if you get your book out there!! I wish you much luck with it!

    BTW--LOVE the look of your blog!


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