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Sunday, October 09, 2011


Being Thankful on Thanksgiving

Every October and November Canadians and Americans (respectively) pause to celebrate 'Thanksgiving'. It's a time to rejoice in the fall harvest, connect with family and loved ones and reflect on what you are personally thankful for.  

This is my favourite holiday of the year. While there are other holidays throughout the year that get celebrated in a big way. Thanksgiving is a quieter holiday. It's not about opening presents or cramming your face with chocolate. It's about looking back in history to see where we have come from, where we are going and being ever so thankful for the ability to do so. 

While Thanksgiving has it's 'history' related to the 'Mayflower', Native Canadians/Americans and of course nature's bounty. It has become the most traveled day in the United States out of the all the yearly holidays. Not everyone celebrates Christmas, but almost everyone celebrates Thanksgiving.

Even with Chronic Illness, I can still find so many things in my life to be thankful for. The illnesses themselves have taught me a great deal about myself, my fortitude and above all humility. That is something truly to be thankful for.

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